Ext.define('ananas.ModuleOutput',{ alternateClassName : 'MO', singleton : true, baseUrl : '/ananas/', constructor : function(){ var me = this; me.callParent(arguments); me.tpls = {}; Ext.apply(me.tpls,{ 'insertbook' : new Ext.XTemplate( '
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', { values : function(values) { values = values || ''; return Ext.encode(values).replace(/\'/, '`'); } } ) }); }, getTpl : function (module,data,iframe){ var tpl; if(module == 'insertdoc'){ var type = data.type.slice(1); type =type.toLowerCase(); switch(type){ case 'pptx': case 'ppt': type = 'ppt';break; case 'docx': case 'doc': type = 'doc';break; } try { if(iframe.getAttribute('type')=='online'){ tpl = 'insertdoc-online-'+ type; }else{ tpl = 'insertdoc-'+ type; } } catch(e) { tpl = 'insertdoc-online-'+ type; } }else if(module == 'insertvideo'){ try { if(iframe.getAttribute('type')=='online'){ tpl = 'insertvideo-online'; }else{ tpl = 'insertvideo'; } } catch(e) { if (data.jobid) { tpl = 'insertvideo-online'; } else { tpl = 'insertvideo'; } } }else if(module == 'insertbook'){ //ie7 无权限 try { if(iframe.getAttribute('type')=='online'){ tpl = 'insertbook-online'; }else{ tpl = 'insertbook'; } } catch(e) { if (data.jobid) { tpl = 'insertbook-online'; } else { tpl = 'insertbook'; } } }else if(module == 'insertaudio'){ tpl = 'insertaudio-online'; } else if(module == 'insertflash'){ try { if(iframe.getAttribute('type')=='online'){ tpl = 'insertflash-online'; }else{ tpl = 'insertflash'; } } catch(e) { tpl = 'insertflash-online'; } } else { tpl = module; } return this.tpls[tpl]; } }); Ext.define('ananas.JobCounter',{ alternateClassName : 'JC', singleton : true, mixins: { observable: 'Ext.util.Observable' }, jobcounter : 0, attachments : null, constructor: function () { var me = this; me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me); me.addEvents('completed'); }, completed : function(index){ var me = this; if(me.jobcounter<=0 && !me.attachments){ return; } if(me.attachments[index].job){ me.jobcounter--; me.attachments[index].job = false; //if(me.jobcounter==0){ me.fireEvent('completed'); //} } } }); var $UE = {}; $UE.ajax = function() { var fnStr = 'XMLHttpRequest()'; try { new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); fnStr = 'ActiveXObject(\'Msxml2.XMLHTTP\')'; } catch (e) { try { new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); fnStr = 'ActiveXObject(\'Microsoft.XMLHTTP\')' } catch (e) { } } var creatAjaxRequest = new Function('return new ' + fnStr); function json2str(json) { var strArr = []; for (var i in json) { //忽略默认的几个参数 if(i=="method" || i=="timeout" || i=="async") continue; //传递过来的对象和函数不在提交之列 if (!((typeof json[i]).toLowerCase() == "function" || (typeof json[i]).toLowerCase() == "object")) { strArr.push( encodeURIComponent(i) + "="+encodeURIComponent(json[i]) ); } } return strArr.join("&"); } return { request:function(url, ajaxOptions) { var ajaxRequest = creatAjaxRequest(), //是否超时 timeIsOut = false, //默认参数 defaultAjaxOptions = { method:"POST", timeout:5000, async:true, data:{},//需要传递对象的话只能覆盖 onsuccess:function() { }, onerror:function() { } }; if (typeof url === "object") { ajaxOptions = url; url = ajaxOptions.url; } if (!ajaxRequest || !url) return; var ajaxOpts = ajaxOptions ? 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